.. _um_introduction: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Introduction ============= Invoking Truchas ----------------- Truchas is executed in serial using a command of the form truchas [-h] [-v:`n`] [-o:`outdir`] [-r:`rstfile`] [-g:`m`] `infile` assuming "truchas" is the name of the executable. The brackets denote optional arguments that are described in :numref:`Table %s `. The only required argument is the path to the input file `infile`. This file name must end with the extension ".inp". The general format of the input file is described in the next section, and the following chapters describe the various Fortran namelists that go into the input file to describe the problem to be simulated. All of the output files are written to directory whose name is derived from the base name of the input file. For example, if the input file is "myprob.inp", the output directory will be named "myprob_output". The name of the output directory can be overridden using the -o option. The directory will be created if necessary. The precise manner of executing Truchas in parallel depends on the MPI implementation being used. This may be as simple as prefixing the serial invocation above with "mpirun -np n", where n is the number of processes. But this varies widely and providing specific instructions is beyond the scope of this document. There is no difference in the Truchas arguments between serial and parallel, however. .. _truchas_command_line_option: .. csv-table:: Truchas Command Line Options :class: tight-table :widths: 1 5 "Option", "Description" -g:`m`, "Sets the number `m` of MPI ranks used for parallel output to the HDF5 output file. The default is 1, and must be no greater than the number of MPI ranks." "-h", "Print a usage summary of the command line options and exit." "-f", "Force overwrite of output directory contents." "-m", "Turn on memory diagnostics. Writes to a .mem file in the output directory." "-o:`outdir`", "Causes all output files to be written to the directory `outdir` instead of the default directory. The directory is created if necessary." "-r:`rstfile`", "Executes in restart mode, restarting from the data in the file `rstfile`. This file is generated from the output of a previous Truchas simulation using post-processing utilities." "-v:`n`", "Sets the verbosity level of terminal output to `n`. The default level is 1. Level 0 produces no output, and level 2 produces somewhat more output than default." Stopping Truchas ----------------- There are occasions where one would like to gracefully terminate a running Truchas simulation before it has reached the final simulation time given in the input file. This is easily done by sending the running process the ``SIGUSR2`` signal. :: kill -s SIGUSR2 pid where ``pid`` is the process id. When Truchas receives this signal, it continues until it reaches the end of the current time step, where it writes the final solution and then exits normally. Input File Format ------------------ The Truchas input file is composed of a sequence of Fortran namelist inputs. Each namelist input has the form :: &namelist-group-name namelist-input-body / The input begins with a line where the first nonblank is the "&" character immediately followed by the name of the namelist group. The input continues until the "/" character. The body of the namelist input consists of a sequence of "`name = value`" pairs, separated by commas or newlines, that assign values to namelist variables. Namelist input is a feature of Fortran and a complete description of the syntax can be found in any Fortran reference, however the basic syntax is very intuitive and a few examples like those in the following input sample should suffice to explain its essentials. .. code-block:: This is a comment. Anything outside a namelist input is ignored. &MESH ! Within a namelist input "!" introduces a comment. mesh_file = "my-big-mesh.exo" ! character string value / Another comment. &PHYSICS heat_conduction = .true. ! logical values are .true./.false. body_force = 0.0, 0.0, -9.8 ! assigning values to an array !This would be an equivalent method ... !body_force(1) = 0.0 !body_force(2) = 0.0 !body_force(3) = -9.8 / Newlines in a namelist are optional. &PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS stefan_boltzmann=0.1, absolute_zero=0.0 / The namelists and the variables they contain are described in the following chapters. A particular namelist will be required or optional, and it may appear only once or multiple times. Not all variables of a namelist need to be specified. Some may not be relevant in a given context, and others may have acceptable default values; only those that are used and need to be assigned a value need to be specified. The order of the namelist inputs in the input file is not significant; they may appear in any order. Any text outside of a namelist input is ignored and can be regarded as a comment as illustrated in the example. Fortran is case-insensitive when interpreting the namelist group names and variable names; they may be written in any mixture of upper and lower case. However character string *values*, which are interpreted by Truchas, are case-sensitive unless documented otherwise. In the event of a namelist input syntax error, Truchas will report that it was unable to read the namelist and include what limited information it gets from the namelist parser. Common syntax errors are misspelt variable names, variables that don't belong to the namelist, a blank written in place of an underscore, etc. .. _physcial_units: Physical Units --------------- Truchas does not require the use any particular system of physical units, nor does it provide a means for the user to specify the dimension of a numerical value. The user is simply expected to ensure that all input values are given using a consistent system of units. To assist in this end, the dimension for all dimensional quantities is documented using the following abstract units: mass :math:`M`, length :math:`L`, time :math:`T`, thermodynamic temperature :math:`\Theta`, and electric current :math:`I`. Thus mass density, for example, will be documented as having dimension :math:`M/L^3`. The following derived abstract units are also used: force :math:`F (= M L/T^2)` and energy :math:`E (= M L^2/T^2)`. There are a few physical constants, like the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, that have predefined values in SI units. These constants are referenced by a few specific models, and where a model uses one of these constants this fact is noted. Use the :ref:`PHYSICAL_CONSTANTS ` namelist to redefine the value of these constants where necessary. .. _UM_Work_With_Output: Working With Output Files -------------------------- As described earlier, Truchas writes its output files to the directory named in the -o option, or if omitted, to a directory whose name is generated from the base name of the input file: "myprob_output" if "myprob.inp" is the input file, for example. Two primary files are written, a .log file that is a copy of the terminal output, and a .h5 HDF5 file that contains the simulation results. HDF5 is a widely-used format for storing and managing data, and thereare a great many freely-available tools for working with these files. Various additional human-readable text files may also be written when requested by the input. Visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Paraview `_ is the recommended tool for visualizing the simulation results written to the .h5 file. After opening the file with paraview, a pop-up window will appear prompting the user to select a reader; choose the "TRUCHAS Reader" selection. The legacy visualization software GMV (General Mesh Viewer) may also be used. Originally developed by LANL, GMV was licensed to CPFD Software, LLC who assumed its maintenance and commercialized it. Since then they have released the `source `_ under the GPLv3 license on GitHub. Documentation for GMV may be found at http://www.gmv-barracuda.com/index.html. Note that support for GMV is deprecated and may be dropped in the future. To use GMV, the program write-gmv.py must first be used to create GMV-format input files from the .h5 file. The command syntax is write-gmv.py [`options`] `H5FILE` where `H5FILE` is the .h5 output file. Use the option -h to get a full list of the available options. This will create a collection of files: one for the mesh and a numbered sequence of files for the solution fields at the output times. Restarts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The program write-restart.py is used to create Truchas restart files using data from an .h5 output file. The command syntax is write-restart.py [`options`] `H5FILE` where `H5FILE` is the .h5 output file and the possible `options` are: -h, --help Display usage help and exit. -l Print a list of the available cycles from which the restart file can be created. No restart file is written. -n N Data from cycle `N` is used to create the restart file; if not specified, the last cycle is used. -o FILE Write restart data to `FILE`. If not specified, `FILE` is taken to be the `H5FILE` name with its ".h5" suffix replaced by ".restart.N" where N is the cycle number. -m FILE Create a mapped restart file using the specified ExodusII mesh `FILE` as the target mesh. -s FLOAT Scale the mapped restart mesh by the factor `FLOAT`. --use-portage Use the Portage grid mapper backend. Truchas must have been built with Portage support. The default is Truchas' built-in Kuprat mapper.