PATCHES Namelist

  patch_algorithm = 'PAVE'
  verbosity_level = 3
  max_angle = 30.0
  pave_split_patch_size = 4

Example PATCHES namelist

The PATCHES namelist defines the parameters used by the patching algorithms. The namelist supports many parameters, but not all parameters are used by all algorithms. Parameters only used by a particular algorithm are prefixed with the algorithm’s name.

These parameters are described in detail below.

General Parameters


Selects one of the available algorithms, or disables patching.


Domain: Must be one of 'NONE', 'PAVE', 'VAC', 'VSA', 'METIS', or 'FILE'

Default: patch_algorithm = 'PAVE'

Each option selects a different patch algorithm:

  1. NONE: No patches will be generated. All other parameters are ignored. This is equivalent to an absent PATCHES namelist.

  2. PAVE: Generate patches with the PAVE algorithm.

  3. VAC: Generate patches with the VAC algorithm.

  4. VSA: Generate patches with the VSA algorithm.

  5. METIS: Generate patches with the METIS algorithm.

  6. FILE: Patches will be read from a file. Because the cost of computing patches can be quite substantial for very large enclosure meshes, this pseudo-algorithm is provided to enable the use of previously computed patches.


Defines the verbosity level for all console output of the patch algorithm.


Domain: verbosity_level >= 0

Default: verbosity_level = 1

The verbosity levels are defined as follows:



verbosity_level = 0

Suppress all output.

verbosity_level = 1

Print a summary of the run when algorithm finishes.

verbosity_level > 1

Print detailed run information, used for debugging.


Defines the maximum allowable angle (in degrees) between adjacent faces.

Type: REAL

Domain: 0.0 <= max_angle <= 180.0

Default: max_angle = 20.0

All the patch algorithms construct the adjacency matrix of the enclosure faces to efficiently determine which faces are adjacent to others. If the normals of two ‘topologically adjacent’ faces exceed max_angle, then the faces will not be neighbors in the internal adjacency matrix.


The connected components of the outer surface of a furnace funnel. MAX_ANGLE is set to 20 degrees. Each component is a different color. The face edges are omitted for clarity.

The patch algorithms guarantee that patches will be connected sets of faces. Therefore, max_angle divides the enclosure into connected components of faces wherever there are ‘sharp’ edges whose angle exceeds the parameter. Patches will never span more than one component.


max_angle only applies to pairs of adjacent faces, so two faces within a patch may be at an angle greater than max_angle if the faces between them are at sufficiently large angles. This is unlikely in practice, given a reasonably smooth enclosure and small max_angle.

See also

The effects of max_angle vary by algorithm. Refer to the documentation of the PAVE, VAC, and VSA algorithms for more details.

FILE Parameters

The following namelist parameter applies only to the FILE algorithm.


The path to an existing radiation enclosure file containing patch information.


Domain: patch_file must be a valid path

Default: patch_file = ''

The enclosure defined by the file must be identical to the current enclosure. This may be an absolute path or a relative path.

PAVE Parameters

The following namelist parameters apply only to the PAVE algorithm. For more information, refer to the PAVE algorithm documentation.


Controls the aggressiveness of patch merging.


Domain: pave_merge_level >= 0

Default: pave_merge_level = 3

After paving is complete, there will be a valid patching of the enclosure. The algorithm then attempts to merge patches in order to reduce the patch count.

The merge levels are defined as follows:



pave_merge_level = 0

No merging.

pave_merge_level = 1

Merge patches that are within the faces of a vertex.

pave_merge_level = 2

Same as 1. Additionally, merge patches that are within the faces of pairs of adjacent vertices. The old patches are requeued with their original weight so that a merge is only performed if the merge candidate has a lower weight than any of its consituent patches.

pave_merge_level >= 3

Same as 2. Additionally, merge patches within the faces of pairs of adjacent vertices, but add a large weight to the requeued old patches. This ensures that the merge is always performed.


Defines the maximum size of patches to be split during patch merging.


Domain: pave_split_patch_size > 1

Default: pave_split_patch_size = 3

Before merging patches, all merge methods find patches with less than pave_split_patch_size faces and ‘split’ them into 1-face patches. The original patches aren’t actually modified, rather they are re-queued along with their constituent faces. This allows the algorithm to find more merge candidates and then ‘fill in the gaps’ with the 1-face patches.

The 1-face patches have a large weight, so they will only be used after all other patches are set. Therefore, the enclosure will tend retain the same patches as before the split, unless this is not possible due to a merge.


For best results, set pave_split_patch_size to 3 for quadrilateral meshes and to 5 for triangular meshes. This avoids splitting too many patches.


Defines the seed for the random number generator used to pick the initial seed patches.


Domain: pave_random_seed > 0

Default: NONE, the seed is taken from the system clock.

The PAVE algorithm begins by creating a ‘seed patch’ in each connected component of the enclosure. Each component is then ‘paved’ or ‘tiled’ with patches, starting from the seed patch. The seed patches are chosen randomly from a set of patches determined to produce optimal results. Refer to the seed patches section of the PAVE documentation for more information on how the seed patches are selected.

This parameter sets the seed for the random number generator used to pick the seed patches. Therefore, runs with the same value for this parameter will produce identical results. If this parameter is not specified, then the seed is taken from the system clock and results will likely vary from run to run.

VAC Parameters

The following namelist parameters apply only to the VAC algorithm. For more information, refer to the VAC algorithm documentation.


Controls the aggressiveness of patch merging.


Domain: vac_merge_level >= 0

Default: vac_merge_level = 3

After the main stage of the VAC algorithm, there will be a valid patching of the enclosure. The algorithm then attempts to merge patches in order to reduce the patch count.

The merge levels are defined as follows:



vac_merge_level = 0

No merging.

vac_merge_level = 1

Merge patches that are within the faces of a vertex.

vac_merge_level = 2

Same as 1. Additionally, merge patches that are within the faces of pairs of adjacent vertices. The old patches are requeued with their original weight so that a merge is only performed if the merge candidate has a lower weight than any of its consituent patches.

vac_merge_level >= 3

Same as 2. Additionally, merge patches within the faces of pairs of adjacent vertices, but add a large weight to the requeued old patches. This ensures that the merge is always performed.


Defines the maximum size of patches to be split during patch merging.


Domain: vac_split_patch_size > 1

Default: vac_split_patch_size = 3

Before merging patches, all merge methods find patches with less than vac_split_patch_size faces and ‘split’ them into 1-face patches. The original patches aren’t actually modified, rather they are re-queued along with their constituent faces. This allows the algorithm to find more merge candidates and then ‘fill in the gaps’ with the 1-face patches.

The 1-face patches have a large weight, so they will only be used after all other patches are set. Therefore, the enclosure will tend retain the same patches as before the split, unless this is not possible due to a merge.


For best results, set vac_split_patch_size to 3 for quadrilateral meshes and to 5 for triangular meshes. This avoids splitting too many patches.

VSA Parameters

The following namelist parameters apply only to the VSA algorithm. For more information, refer to the VSA algorithm documentation.


Defines the maximum number of iterations.


Domain: vsa_max_iter >= 1

Default: vsa_max_iter = 1000

The algorithm stops when vsa_max_iter is reached, regardless of other terminating conditions.


Defines the minimum allowable change in patch proxies between successive iterations.

Type: REAL

Domain: vsa_min_delta >= 0.0

Default: vsa_min_delta = 1.0E-6

At the end of each iteration, the new patch proxies for the next iteration are computed and compared against the old proxies. The algorithm keeps track of the minimum change between the old and new proxies. This change is computed as the sum of the squares of the difference between the old and new proxy vectors. If the minimum change in patch proxies is less than vsa_min_delta, the algorithm stops at that iteration.


Defines the ratio of total faces to total patches, and by extension the total number of patches.

Type: REAL

Domain: vsa_face_patch_ratio >= 1.0

Default: vsa_face_patch_ratio = 4.0

Since the number of faces is fixed, this parameter determines the total number of patches in the final configuration:

\[\text{(Total Patches)} = \text{(Total Faces)}\ /\ \text{vsa_face_patch_ratio}\]

Rather than set the number of patches explicitly, which is mesh dependent, expressing this parameter as a ratio allows the same value to apply to a variety of meshes.


Defines the desired maximum radius for a patch.

Type: REAL

Domain: vsa_max_patch_radius > 0.0

Default: vsa_max_patch_radius = sqrt(huge(0.0_r8))

This parameter is used to compute the size bias term of the weight of a face relative to a patch proxy. Refer to the size bias section of the VSA documentation for more information on how the parameter affects the face weight computation.

Note that the default value of this parameter is sqrt(huge(0.0_r8)) because it is squared in the face weight computation. By taking the root of huge(0.0_r8) we prevent floating point overflow errors. Numerically, the default value on the order of 1.34*10^{154}.


Determines whether to normalize the distance bias.


Domain: Must be .true. or .false.

Default: vsa_normalize_dist = .true.

This parameter affects the computation of the distance bias term of the weight of a face relative to a patch proxy. Broadly speaking, enabling normalization tends to produce patches with a similar number of faces, regardless of the physical size of each patch. Conversely, disabling normalization tends to make all patches about the same physical size, regardless of the number of faces in each patch.

Refer to the distance bias section of the VSA documentation for more information on how the parameter affects the face weight computation.


Defines the seed for the random number generator used to pick the initial seed patches.


Domain: pave_random_seed > 0

Default: NONE, the seed is taken from the system clock.

The VSA algorithm uses a ‘farthest-point’ initialization method to choose the seed patches for the first iteration. To start, a random face in each connected component of the enclosure is chosen as a seed patch. Then, seed patches are added one at a time by performing a partitioning and then choosing the face with highest total distortion as the new seed patch.

This parameter sets the seed for the random number generator used to pick the first seed patch in each connected component. Therefore, runs with the same value for this parameter will produce identical results. If this parameter is not specified, then the seed is taken from the system clock and results will likely vary from run to run.

METIS Parameters

The following namelist parameters apply only to the METIS algorithm. For more information, refer to the METIS algorithm documentation.

The METIS algorithm constructs the weighted dual graph of the enclosure and passes it to the METIS library [1] to partition the dual graph. The METIS namelist parameters are thus divided into two: those that are used to construct the dual graph, and those that are passed directly to the METIS graph partitioner.

We first discuss the three parameters used during initialization, and then briefly present the 12 METIS library parameters passed to the graph partitioner.

Initialization Parameters


Defines the ratio of total faces to total desired patches, and by extension the final number of patches generated.

Type: REAL

Domain: metis_face_patch_ratio >= 1.0

Default: meti_face_patch_ratio = 4.0

This parameter determines the number of partitions NPART passed to the METIS graph partitioner:

\[\text{NPART} = \frac{\text{NFACE}}{\text{METIS_FACE_PATCH_RATIO}}\]

where NFACE is the total number of faces. Since the METIS library is free to produce less partitions than requested, NPART is not necessarily the final number of patches.

The METIS library must ensure that the constraints on the objective function are satisfied (see partitioning objective), and can thus produce a drastically different number of partitions than requested. In particular, when METIS_FACE_WEIGHT is enabled for an enclosure with faces of vastly different sizes, the requirement to evenly divide the total enclosure surface area among the patches might produce significantly fewer partitions than requested.

Moreover, after the METIS library partitions the dual graph the patch splitting step breaks up disconnected patches which may increase the final patch count. In short, NPART is only a suggestion for the final patch count. Consider tweaking other parameters if an exact patch count is desired.


Determines whether to weight the edges of the dual graph by the corresponding enclosure edge lengths.


Domain: Must be .true. or .false.

Default: metis_edge_weight = .true.

This parameter determines whether the Euclidean length of the enclosure edges are assigned as edge weights in the dual graph passed to the METIS library. If the parameter is false, then the dual graph edges are assigned a weight of 1.

Refer to the edge weight section of the METIS algorithm documentation for more information on how the parameter affects the final patch configuration.


Determines whether to weight the vertices of the dual graph by the corresponding enclosure face areas.


Domain: Must be .true. or .false.

Default: metis_face_weight = .true.

This parameter determines whether the area of the enclosure faces are assigned as vertex weights in the dual graph passed to the METIS library. If the parameter is false, then the dual graph vertices are assigned a weight of 1.

Refer to the face weight section of the METIS algorithm documentation for more information on how the parameter affects the final patch configuration.

METIS library parameters

The METIS graph partitioning routine admits the following integer-valued options that may be specified, though all have reasonable defaults so that none must be specified. See the METIS documentation [1] for more details on these options.


Specifies the partitioning method.


Domain: metis_ptype in {0,1}

Default: metis_ptype = 0

The partitioning methods are encoded as follows:



metis_ptype = 0

Multilevel recursive bisection

metis_ptype = 1

Multilevel k-way partitioning


Specifies the type of objective.


Domain: metis_objtype in {0,1}

Default: metis_objtype = 0

The objective types are encoded as follows:



metis_objtype = 0

Edge-cut minimization.

metis_objtype = 1

Total communication volume minimization.


Specifies the matching scheme to be used during coarsening.


Domain: metis_ctype in {0,1}

Default: metis_ctype = 1

The matching schemes are encoded as follows:



metis_ctype = 0

Random matching

metis_ctype = 1

Sorted heavy-edge matching


Specifies the algorithm used during initial partitioning (recursive bisection only).


Domain: metis_iptype in {0,1,2,3}

Default: metis_iptype = 0

The partitioning algorithms are encoded as follows:



metis_iptype = 0

Grows a bisection using a greedy strategy

metis_iptype = 1

Computes a bisection at random followed by a refinement

metis_iptype = 2

Derives a separator from an edge cut.

metis_iptype = 3

Grow a bisection using a greedy node-based strategy


Specifies the number of different partitionings that will be computed. The final partitioning will be the one that achieves the best edge-cut or communication volume.


Domain: metis_ncuts >= 1

Default: metis_ncuts = 1


Specifies the number of iterations of the refinement algorithm at each stage of the uncoarsening process.


Domain: metis_niter >= 1

Default: metis_niter = 10


Specifies the seed for the random number generator.


Domain: metis_seed in mathbb{Z}

Default: metis_seed = -1


Specifies whether the partitioning procedure should seek to minimize the maximum degree of the subdomain graph.


Domain: metis_minconn in {0,1}

Default: metis_minconn = 0

The subdomain graph is the graph in which each partition is a node, and edges connect subdomains with a shared interface. This parameter is encoded as follows:



metis_minconn = 0

Does not explicitly minimize the maximum connectivity.

metis_minconn = 1

Explicitly minimize the maximum connectivity.


Specifies that the coarsening will not perform any 2–hop matchings when the standard matching approach fails to sufficiently coarsen the graph.


Domain: metis_no2hop in {0,1}

Default: metis_no2hop = 1

The 2–hop matching is very effective for graphs with power-law degree distributions. This parameter is encoded as follows:



metis_no2hop = 0

Performs a 2–hop matching.

metis_no2hop = 1

Does not perform a 2–hop matching.


Specifies whether the partitioning procedure should produce partitions that are contiguous.


Domain: metis_contig in {0,1}

Default: metis_contig = 0

If the dual graph of the mesh is not connected this option is ignored. This parameter is encoded as follows:



metis_contig = 0

Does not force contiguous partitions.

metis_contig = 1

Forces contiguous partitions.


Specifies the maximum allowed load imbalance among the partitions.


Domain: metis_ufactor >= 1

Default: metis_ufactor = 1

A value of n indicates that the allowed load imbalance is (1+n)/1000. The default is 1 for recursive bisection (i.e., an imbalance of 1.001) and the default value is 30 for k-way partitioning (i.e., an imbalance of 1.03).


Specifies the amount and type of diagnostic information that will be written to stderr by the partitioning procedure.


Domain: metis_dbglvl >= 1

Default: metis_dbglvl = 0

The default 0 means no output. Use 1 to write some basic information. Refer to the METIS documentation [1] for the many other possible values and the output they generate.


[1] (1,2,3)

George Karypis and Vipin Kumar. A fast and high quality multilevel scheme for partitioning irregular graphs. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 20(1):359–392, December 1998.